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4 Energy-Boosting Tips for the All-Electric MINI in Edmonton, AB

4 Energy-Boosting Tips for the All-Electric MINI in Edmonton, AB

4 Energy-Boosting Tips for the All-Electric MINI in Edmonton, AB

Saving energy isn't just important for traditional fuel-powered vehicles, it's also integral to their electric counterparts. Now that MINI is designing its own attractive electric models, we at MINI Edmonton are providing drivers in Edmonton, Beaumont, Devon, and Stony Plain with a few valuable tips to boost energy in their all-electric MINIs. Learn more about the following energy-boosting tips, and contact us at MINI Edmonton for further information at your convenience.

Drive Smoothly

Whether you drive a gas-engine or all-electric MINI, a heavy foot will drain your vehicle's energy at a much swifter rate. The quick acceleration and launch torque of an electric model may be tempting, but we strongly recommend going easy on the pedal to optimize your battery life.

Be Kind to Your Battery

Driving at lower speeds and sticking to the limit will be much kinder to your battery in the long run. Indeed, staying below 100 km/h can do wonders for your battery life, and if your all-electric MINI comes with an Eco drive mode, we suggest putting it to good use, as it manages your acceleration.

Time Your Charges

Keeping your electric car plugged in the entire time it's parked can backfire on you, as many models' batteries can self-discharge after they've been fully charged. If you can learn to time your charges so your MINI's battery and driving range reach their peaks right before you hit the road, you'll optimize your vehicle's energy every time out and save more on your electric bill.

Regular Maintenance

Sticking to your MINI's regular maintenance schedule is integral to its performance, which in turn will keep your battery from bearing excess strain. The smoother your all-electric MINI's performance, the more efficient your battery life and range will be. Contact us at MINI Edmonton today for more energy-boosting tips or to schedule your next maintenance appointment with our Service Centre for optimal, long-term enjoyment of your all-electric MINI.

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