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Most Common MINI Problems

Most Common Mini Problems

Most Common MINI Problems

At MINI Edmonton, we offer access to our new inventory and helpful services through our repair facility, making us the go-to dealership for all MINI-related needs. We can help you shop for the newest MINI models and have experts ready to maintain your MINI to ensure smooth ownership. Visit our showroom today, and let us match you with the perfect MINI.

Water Pump & Thermostat Leaks

Due to earlier MINI models having plastic housings, they tend to leak coolant when neglected or the wrong coolant is used. For preventive maintenance, consider replacing your MINI's plastic housings with upgraded metal versions, or it could sometimes be a leaky rubber seal.

Power Steering Pump Failure

Older MINI models have issues with power steering pump failures, which can happen for various reasons, including running contaminated power steering fluid. However, it's also possible for the pump to fail prematurely, which you can detect by hearing whining noises, indicating you should visit a trusted Service Centre.

Timing Chain Issues

You can expect MINI models with high mileage and neglected oil changes to develop issues with the timing chain since it requires proper lubrication to operate properly. However, your MINI's timing chain could stretch if you run the engine with low or old oil, causing it to skip timing.

Clutch Failure

With base trim levels of the MINI models, you will get a manual transmission that requires a clutch to engage the engine power to be delivered to the wheels. However, a clutch is a wear-and-tear item that requires replacements during your ownership, but it could prematurely fail if a component inside fails first.

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You are welcome to contact us anytime to learn more about the MINI lineup and common issues that can happen due to neglected maintenance or missed recalls.

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