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Signs You Need A Tire Rotation

Signs You Need A Tire Rotation

Signs You Need A Tire Rotation

If you leave all your tires in the same four corners of your vehicle for years and years, the tires will wear unevenly. The weight of any car is not perfectly distributed. Therefore, uneven wear is unavoidable. That is why regular tire rotation is so important for drivers and their safety. Follow along to be aware of three signs that may indicate that your vehicle needs a tire rotation.

Uneven Wear of Individual Tires

Individual uneven wear on your tires could indicate improper wheel alignment or that your tires require rotation. If you look closely, you can see small horizontal bridges between the grooves of your tires. Once the tread wears down, the horizontal bars become closer to being flush with the tire treads. However, if you notice the tread on one side of your tires is wearing away more quickly than the other, get things checked out.

Uneven Wear from Front to Back

Another area to check is the tires on the front axle are wearing compared to the tires on the back axle. Tire rotations make it possible for each tire to spend time in both the front and back positions, evening out the wear pattern.

Shimmying or Vibrations

Under perfect conditions, your vehicle should not experience any unusual vibrating or shimmying when driven. If your car begins to vibrate, even if you notice it at higher speeds, it could be a sign that the tires have become unevenly worn. One Area that the shaking is sometimes especially noticeable is in the steering wheel.

Contact Us

Step into Edmonton BMW to have your tires swapped or inspected for the top performance for your vehicle. If you notice that your tires on your BMW are showing wear, feel free to contact us to schedule a service appointment to check out your tires so we can help you get on your way.

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