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Signs You Need An Alignment

Signs You Need An Alignment

Having a proper wheel alignment is one of the essential criteria to keeping your vehicle driving safely. It can be challenging to keep up with all the required maintenance and repairs. Contact us at Edmonton BMW in Edmonton, Alberta, to learn more about Wheel alignment and don't hesitate to schedule a service appointment to check out your BMW tires.

Your Steering Wheel Is Not Centred

If you're driving straight down a road, your steering wheel should be sitting perfectly straight. Overall, the Wheel should be sitting directly and centred, and your vehicle emblem in the center of the steering wheel should be level to you. If the Wheel is off-centre by more than a few degrees in either direction, it's time to have an alignment performed. This will return your steering wheel to the center and may improve the overall drivability as well.

Your Vehicle Pulls To One Side or The Other

Vehicle pull is easily noticed while driving straight. There is a misconception that the vehicle should drive perfectly straight with your hands off the steering wheel. Instead, the car should drive straight ahead with minimal effort on the steering wheel. Suppose your vehicle pulls to one side or the other. In that case, it's time to have your alignment checked and corrected, which usually fixes the vehicle pull and improves overall drivability.

You Notice Abnormal Tire Wear In Certain Spots

Tire wear patterns provide a lot of helpful information about the condition of a car. Wear on only the inside or outside of tires can indicate a problem with the camber adjustment. Feathering or scalloping of the tires often means a problem with the tow adjustment. A mechanic often notices tire wear while performing a tire rotation or an inspection performed during service. A proper alignment significantly increases the life of your tires.

Your Steering Wheel Doesn't Return To Center

After turning a corner, if your steering wheel doesn't return to the center, then it's a good indication that your alignment is off. Have an alignment check done and a complete alignment performed if necessary.

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