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Signs of Bad Car Battery

MINI Countryman Boardwalk Edition

3 Signs of Bad Car Battery

At MINI Edmonton, we are constantly improving our services to accommodate the needs of drivers in Edmonton, Alberta, and the surrounding areas. A popular question we often hear is what signs to look for when a car battery goes bad, and below are three common signs that will indicate that a car battery is insufficient for starting the vehicle's engine.

Old Battery

As a car battery ages, its capability to hold a charge decreases, resulting in various electrical mishaps or a completely dead vehicle that can't start. If your vehicle's battery is original and five years or so old, it might be time to replace it before it starts to cause you problems while on the road.

Slow Start/Crank

A giveaway sign that your battery is on its way out is a slow start or crank, which can be caused due to the battery supplying weak voltage to the engine starter. Although it might start your vehicle and recharge over the drive, having a weak battery can leave you stranded in a parking lot once it loses enough voltage below what's needed to crank the engine over.

Cranks or Clicks But No Start

A battery that requires immediate replacement has a slow crank or causes the starter to click after your vehicle is parked overnight. The clicking sound is the starter solenoid engaging the engine's flywheel, but the battery fails to turn the engine over. Sometimes a jump start will get your battery to function sufficiently for some time, but the battery will eventually have to be replaced.

Contact Us

If your vehicle is experiencing any of these symptoms, you should contact us to book a service appointment to have your battery checked and replaced if needed. Our experts will gladly examine your vehicle and promptly get you back on the road.

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