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Why Should You Change Your MINI's Engine Oil At Regular Intervals

Why Should You Change Your MINI's Engine Oil At Regular Intervals

Why Should You Change Your MINI's Engine Oil At Regular Intervals

We at MINI Edmonton always want to help our customers get the most out of their MINIs, and we do so by offering a reliable Service Centre. Also, we offer tips on how to keep various components maintained adequately. Contact us today if you have any questions or schedule an appointment to have our experts inspect and service your MINI.

Benefits Of Changing The Oil At Regular Intervals

Squeaky Clean Engine

Oil circulates through your engine to keep components lubricated and clean. As oil ages and breaks down, it can become sludge that will result in carbon deposits. When that happens, your engine will suffer from insufficient lubrication and reduced performance.

Protects All Parts

Engine components last a very long time, and with proper maintenance and lubrication, you can make sure that you are getting the entire lifespan of your engine. Following a rigorous oil change interval is the best way to keep your engine healthy.

Peak Fuel Efficiency

Oil is a vital part of your engine's performance, and it also has a significant impact on your fuel economy. Keeping old oil in your engine for too long can reduce performance and cause the engine to overcompensate by using more fuel to get up to speed.

Avoid Emissions Test Failure

As oil ages and degrades, it will form carbon deposits that often make their way into the crankcase and out of your exhaust. Those deposits increase your vehicle's emissions, causing additional harm to the environment, and if your area has emissions testing, it might cause it to fail depending on the severity.

Get The Best Out Of The Engine

To keep your MINI running at its best, you will want to perform the proper service required at the appropriate intervals. Oil changes are very important because overextending the driving range on a single interval can cause sludge buildup that is difficult to get rid of in the long run.

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