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Common Repairs MINI Cooper Owners Face


At MINI Edmonton, we have a new inventory of the best and latest models, easing how you shop and purchase a new MINI. However, we also offer numerous automotive services to support your MINI ownership, ensuring a smooth experience during every visit to our location. We can't wait to have you stop by our showroom, and our experts are ready to support your search for the ideal MINI.


Waterpump & Thermostat Housing Leaks


A common coolant leak that MINI Cooper models experience as they age and are driven comes from the water pump and thermostat housings. Usually, the rubber gasket can fail and cause the leak, but some models also have a plastic water pump that could crack and leak too.


Timing Chain Replacement


Neglecting to perform the oil changes on your MINI Cooper can cause the timing chain guide to wear out, making the chain stretch. Stretching the timing chain of your MINI's engine can be a major issue, especially if you wait too long for the repair since it could skip timing, which would catastrophically damage the engine.


Front Radiator Support Damage


Since most MINI models have a low ride height to support their thrilling and unique driving experience, you should be careful driving your MINI to avoid damaging the front radiator support. Sometimes, MINI drivers hit the curb while parking, damaging the front radiator support, which can cause a coolant leak.


Coolant Hose Leaks


During your MINI ownership, you might experience coolant leaks from the engine hoses or gaskets. Although it's regular maintenance to replace rubber hoses and gaskets as they age, you could experience premature wear to those coolant parts if you use the wrong type of coolant during service.


Contact Us To Book An Appointment


You are welcome to contact us to book an appointment to have your MINI Cooper serviced by our Service Centre, ensuring you continue to enjoy its performance and reliability for years to come.


Categories: New Inventory, Service