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Exterior Car Care Tips

Exterior Car Care Tips

Exterior Car Care Tips

At MINI Edmonton, we strive to assist our customers in finding their dream MINI model and help them maintain its stunning appearance for years to come. Keeping your new MINI clean will bring your vehicle ownership experience loads of benefits, so consider following the exterior car care tips to clean and protect your MINI. Visit us today to learn more about our numerous automotive services and discover how you can take advantage of our many offerings.

Wash Your Car Regularly

By washing your vehicle regularly, you will remove contaminants from your vehicle's paintwork, eliminating the risk of scratches or permanent discolouration.

Use Cleaning Products Designed For Vehicles

While cleaning your vehicle, only use automotive-grade products to avoid damaging your vehicle's paint finish. Automotive cleaners are formulated specifically to clean vehicles safely, making it essential to use only compatible products when cleaning your vehicle.

Spot Check & Clean Between Washes

You will want to check your vehicle's exterior between washes to find any bug splatter or bird droppings that would cause your paint's clear coat to wear off.

Wax Your Car Regularly

Waxing your vehicle's exterior paint will help it shine like new while protecting it against damage. Make sure to only wax a perfectly clean vehicle since any contaminants left on the paint can cause scratching while waxing the vehicle.

Get An Annual Detail

Getting an annual professional detail is a great way to keep your vehicle looking new while allowing a professional the chance to correct any imperfections on the paint that you might not be familiar with correcting.

Keep The Car Covered

When storing your vehicle outside or parking under a tree, consider using a cover to protect your vehicle's paint from scratches caused by falling branches or flying debris.

Contact Us

Keeping your vehicle's exterior clean will reflect how well it has been taken care of, so contact us today and schedule an appointment with our Service Centre to get your vehicle anything it might need.

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