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MINI Cooper Engine

MINI Cooper Engine

MINI Cooper Engine

The type of engine featured on a MINI Cooper largely depends on the individual model of the vehicle. MINI Coopers manufactured in 2021 have standard 1.5-litre three-cylinder engines, but S models have larger, more powerful 2.0-litre four-cylinder engines. Determining the engine size of your MINI model simply requires researching the options using your VIN or vehicle identification number. At a glance, your service technician can also provide the answer.

Consumers are commonly curious about the reliability of the MINI Cooper. Starting in 2014 with their complete redesign, the MINIs became recognized for their dependability. In 2019, J.D. Power and Associates deemed the MINI Cooper the most dependable vehicle on the market for its class.

Keeping up with maintenance and service schedules as the manufacturer recommends can help ensure that your MINI Cooper provides years of optimal function. Make routine appointments with our team of experienced technicians at our MINI Edmonton Service Centre in Edmonton, Alberta. With proper care and attention, MINI engines have been known to last between 161,000 and 403,000 kilometres.

Even though MINIs are reliable and dependable, you might notice a red or yellow flashing engine light on your car's display at some point. The warning may indicate an easily remedied problem or the beginning of a more serious issue. Whatever the case, the vehicle requires a professional diagnostic evaluation by a trained technician. Some of the common reasons for the light can include:

  • Loosened gas cap
  • Loose, broken, or cracked hoses
  • Clogged fuel injector
  • Malfunctioning spark plugs
  • Failed ignition coil

Issues requiring professional assessment include:

  • Grinding, hissing, high-pitched squealing, or thumping noises
  • Rattling under the hood
  • Vehicle jerking, shaking, or vibrating
  • Strange odours, visible smoke, or oil puddle deposits

Unusual events may or may not indicate a severe problem, but to prevent potentially costly repairs, contact us and schedule an appointment with our Service Centre.

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