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Tips for Winterizing Your Car in Edmonton, Alberta

Tips for Winterizing Your Car in Edmonton, Alberta

Tips for Winterizing Your Car in Edmonton, Alberta

Edmonton winters can be trying for all of us, and we're here to provide you with some car care tips that will serve you well when winterizing your car for a stress-free season. Find out how to thoroughly prepare your vehicle for winter below, and feel free to contact us at MINI Edmonton at your convenience for more information.

Clean the Inside

Giving your car a thorough cleaning will spare you a lot of headaches once winter properly arrives. We suggest cleaning the cracks and crevices of your seats, wiping down your dash and accessories, and cleaning out your trunk to make room for your winter essentials.

Wax On, Wax Off

Once you've washed your car, it's best to treat it to a waxing, as this will protect it from salt, gravel, and other intruders through the season. If you detect any chips or dents, we recommend getting them tended to, as they can worsen in extreme conditions.

Give Your Car a Tune-Up

If your vehicle has any existing problems, don't put them off. Winter is the worst time for car trouble, as the extreme weather can aggravate any issues your car may have had beforehand. Book your car for a tune-up at our Service Centre to address any issues and ensure that it performs optimally for the coming season.

Top Up Your Fluids

Peak performance depends greatly on adequate fluid levels. With one visit to our dealership's Service Centre, we can ensure that your vehicle is ready to brave the winter by checking its oil, brake, transmission, and wiper fluids, and all of their hoses.

Replace Any Burnt-Out Lights

Visibility is key when faced with heavy snow, rain, and slush, and if any of your lights have worn out their welcome, there's no time like the late fall to have them replaced to be sure that you'll see and be seen.

Ensure That You Have a Clear View

Optimal vision at the wheel depends as much on your windshield's and wipers' condition as it does on your lights. If you've spotted any chips or cracks in your windshield, we suggest getting it tended to without delay, and don't forget to check your wipers' performance before the heavy snowfalls begin.

Keep Your Winter Tools Handy

Once you've cleared and organized your trunk, we recommend equipping it with the tools you'll need to hit the winter roads without incident. Remember to keep gloves, a snow brush, and an ice scraper handy, as they'll help rid your car of anything that can tarnish your performance and visibility before you take the wheel.

Equip Your Car with Snow Tires

Optimal winter performance begins with the proper tires. We can't properly stress the need to equip your car with winter tires before the season sets in, as their soft rubber compound and deep, aggressive tread patterns are ideal for cutting through snow, slush, and ice to give you the proper traction throughout. Contact our dealership today for more on the best tires for your vehicle and to book an appointment to get them installed.

Make Sure You're Protected

It never hurts to be prepared in case you get in a jam. Be sure to take a look at your roadside assistance kit and swap out any tools or essentials that need replacing, and don't forget to check your spare tire's condition just in case you get stuck with a flat.

Avoid a Deep Freeze

The rough winter weather can leave you with frozen locks and doors, but you can avoid such issues with a single treatment. Indeed, all you'll need to do is spray your locks and your door, trunk, and hood seals with a bit of lubricant to spare yourself what could be a recurring hassle.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us at MINI Edmonton for any tips regarding car maintenance or winterizing your vehicle. If you'd like our help in getting your car ready for winter or maintaining its performance, schedule a service appointment with our staff, and our technicians will gladly tend to your vehicle.

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